We also provide forensic review of incomplete projects where prospective Investors require a thorough review of a project status, condition and likely costs to complete.
Contact iWater & Power, LLC to discuss how we may Support your Success...
iWP recognizes the numerous challenges of island development
and provides a unique service to Developers and Lenders. Frequently
starting with Heads of Agreement documents addressing all critical
development aspects, protecting the Developer and Project Investors
and insuring a clear vision with necessary approvals and concessions from the host government, our expertise assures your investment is protected from start to finish.
iWP works with your Land Planner to provide the expert guidance required to insure your Utility Infrastructure works in harmony with your development goals and objectives. We become a team member during your design and planning charrettes to insure your development budget is maintained and technical considerations are never missed.
iWP Construction experts will supervise your building project seamlessly from the groundbreaking to the grand opening. We stay with you throughout your project, eliminating excuses and headaches and meeting budgets and schedules.
By taking into consideration the project Utility requirements at the earliest planning stage, you are assured of accurate project costing and space utilization efficiency, culminating with highly efficient and environmentally sensitive infrastructure.
iWater & Power, LLC (iWP) Executives have been involved with island development for over 30 years. From a greenfield beachhead, to completion and grand openings, we have experienced the myriad hurdles that arise through construction and completion in a Caribbean setting. We work along with the Developer and his team to assist in guiding the Project through government approval processes to obtain construction approvals and permits prior to significant investment into the host country. Protecting the Lenders
while motivating the host government in a courteous way helps to
limit future budget surprises.